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  • [EN] Wi-Fi in the area: view and find the best Wi-Fi channel
    If there are several WLAN networks in the vicinity, they may influence each other. For maximum speed and stability, your own WLAN should preferably us...
  • [EN] Raspberry PI as WLAN access point
    As an extension for my home network, I tested the Raspberry Pi 3 as a WLAN access point. Due to the integrated WLAN chip, the minicomputer can easily...
  • [EN] Linux Terminal Commands List - Overview: Console
    Overview of Linux commands and their descriptions ... Help [command] --help outputs a short help text for the respective command man [Command] s...
  • [EN] Website construction kit vs. web space or your own web server?
    If you want to operate a website yourself, you have more than one option for it nowadays. In addition to a simple HTML page, various programming langu...
  • [EN] Lean and fast GIT server, similar to GitHub (Docker)
    Since GitLab requires a relatively large amount of memory and CPU, and is also relatively slow on my NAS, I replaced GitLab with Gitea. Gitea offers a...
  • [EN] Self-hosting GIT repositories: launch GitLab as a Docker container
    If you want to host your Git repositories yourself, GitLab is an alternative to GitHub. GitLab offers a convenient web interface for managing, editing...
  • [DE] Besucherstatistik: Matomo, Google Analytic Ersatz selbst hosten
    Wer bereits Docker verwendet, kann mit der Open-Source Webanalyse-Software Matomo sehr einfach Besucherstatistiken der eigenen Websites sammeln und an...
  • [EN] Missing wp-admin? Why this site doesn't use WordPress.
    In the logs of my web server I see again and again access attempts to /wp-admin, the path WordPress uses for its administration. Whoever tries to log...
  • [EN] Docker Compose vs. Docker Swarm: using and understanding it
    Docker Swarm allows nodes (hosts) to be grouped together into a common federation. This allows containers to be run in any number of instances on any...
  • [EN] Practice: Backup Docker container data: Volumes / Bind Mounts
    In my article "All Docker containers: Moving hosts, theory and practice", I already went a little bit into the topic of backup. If you followed the ar...
  • [EN] Visitor statistics: Matomo, Google Analytic replacement self-hosting
    For those who already use Docker, the open source web analytics software Matomo to easily collect and analyze visitor statistics for their own website...
  • [EN] Create BATch file - CMD, BAT commands in Windows (DOS)
    BATch commands date back to the DOS era and are still a useful tool for certain uses, yet Windows PowerShell is usually the better choice for administ...
  • [EN] Docker Swarm, Portainer and Traefik combined
    As mentioned several times on this page, I primarily use the reverse proxy Traefik to access my Docker containers. To be able to manage the containers...
  • [DE] Home Assistant: Docker Inbetriebnahme + SSL Internetzugriff
    Neben der Installation auf einer eigenen Hardware ist die zweite empfohlene Installationsvariante für Home Assistant die Verwendung von Docker, siehe...
  • [EN] Home Assistant: Docker startup + SSL Internet access
    Besides installing it on its own hardware, the second recommended installation option for Home Assistant is to use Docker, see also: HAOS vs. Home Ass...
  • [DE] HA: Werte einer beliebigen Webseite als Entität verwenden
    Nachdem mein Internetzugang von Zeit zu Zeit die Verbindung verloren hat, wollte ich die Signalqualität des Kabelrouters in Home-Assistant überwachen....
  • [DE] ESP32 Flowmeter - RS485 Modbus
    Wie in dem Artikel "ESP32 programmieren, Arduino - Voraussetzungen installieren" beschrieben, war mein erstes Ziel einen TUF-2000M Ultrasonic Flow Met...
  • [DE] DS18B20 Temperatursensoren ESP32, MQTT und WiFi - HowTo
    Zusätzlich zur Anbindung eines Durchflussmessers über RS485 habe ich 5-Stück DS18B20-Temperatursensoren an den ESP32 angesteckt, damit deren Werte auc...
  • [EN] ESP32 Flowmeter and RS485 Modbus
    As described on the article ESP32 programming, Arduino - install requirements, my first goal was to read out a TUF-2000M Ultrasonic Flow Meter via an...
  • [EN] DS18B20 Temperature Sensors ESP32, MQTT and WiFi - HowTo
    In addition to connecting a flow meter via RS485 I plugged 5-piece DS18B20 temperature sensors to the ESP32 so that their values are also transmitted...
  • [EN] OpenWRT & Home Assistant: evaluate, visualize, automate
    Access in your own network usually takes place centrally via the router, so certain conclusions can be drawn about its data. In addition to the utiliz...
  • [EN] HA: Use values of any WebGUI as entities
    After my Internet access lost connection from time to time, I wanted to monitor the signal quality of the cable router in Home Assistant. Due to lack...
  • [DE] ESPHome: Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensoren DHT11/22
    Für eine Temperaturmessung in Home-Assistant gibt es eine Vielzahl verschiedener Sensoren und Möglichkeiten diese einzubinden. Beim Einsatz von Zigbee...
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