Home Assistant interface, operation and notification


After the first start,all connected devices areautomatically displayed in the Home dashboard. The default view of Home Assistant is still: Tiles, but this should change in the near future. A new view is currently being worked on: "Sections". The Sections view is currently still classified as experimental, but allows cards to be arranged and grouped using drag and drop.

Home Dashboard: Overview

If you create a new dashboard in Home Assistant under Settings / Dashboards, you can choose between an empty or an automatically generated default dashboard:

The dashboards can of course be created and customized by yourself.

the display modules are called "Cards" in Home Assistant:

In addition to the standard menu items, additional menu items appear for certain integrations. Furthermore, additional dashboards can be created and made available in the menu.

Energy dashboard

For the display of electricity or water consumption can be visualized very easily via the energy dashboard. Those who own a PV system or a balcony power plant can also display its production and surplus:

In order for the energy dashboard to visualize the data, it is sufficient to add the corresponding consumption meters:

Electricity grid, solar panels, battery storage, gas consumption, water consumption, or other individual devices ...

Details on how the energy dashboard works, see: HA history: more than 10 days? Long Time Statistic (LTS)

For details on the setup, see: 

Preview Energy dashboard: example  Fronius Gen24 & BYD storage

Energy dashboard: example Fronius Gen24 & BYD storage

created: 2024-03-25 from Bernhard

The Home Assistant Energy Dashboard shows all relevant energy data in a complete overview. Performance data from a wide range of manufacturers or components can be used as the basis for the dashboard. Only sensors with the corresponding performance data are required to supply the interface with data. ... continue reading


Developer tools


Im Verlauf können die historischen Daten der einzelnen Geräte visualisiert werden:

The default settings for the current sensor data are 10 days, after which, depending on the entity, only long-term statistics data are available. The current sensor data is deleted from the database:

Setting: purge_keep_days integer (optional, default: 10) in the configuration.yaml file:

  purge_keep_days: 10

See, www.home-assistant.io/integrations/recorder/, or to use a database other than SQLite: Home Assistant database MySQL vs. SQLite and to connect to an InfluxDB, see: InfluxDB: Time series database - Docker and for visualizing: Grafana: Docker - Visualize data and define alarms.

What could be improved in the current history-Integration:

Preview Home Assistant history: missing scroll-zoom function

Home Assistant history: missing scroll-zoom function

created: 2024-09-15 from Bernhard

The integrated Home Assistant history does not yet have a scroll and zoom function for the history. ... continue reading

Preview History: missing Back and Next buttons

History: missing Back and Next buttons

created: 2024-09-16 from Bernhard

The history integrated in Home Assistant currently has no Back and Next buttons. Time periods can only be selected via the calendar or using specific time periods: "Today", "Yesterday", "This week", "Last week", "This month", "Last month", "This year", "Last year" ... continue reading

HACS: Must-have frontend packages.

For HACS integration, see: HomeAssistant Integrations. Plotly Graph Card is a definite must-have:

Plotly Graph Card

Since Plotly Graph doesn't necessarily score points visually with the default settings, I had underestimated the card for a long time. But with the right parameters, you can create really beautiful charts. Plotly is a worthy replacement for other graph cards such as"apexcharts-card" or the "history-explorer-card". The highlights of Plotly are its intuitive scroll and zoom function, as well as the countless possibilities to customize the charts as desired:


current version 3.3.4

For my use cases, Plotly Graph can replace Grafana and an InfluxDB. At this point just have a look at the page again: I'll try to collect a few examples. If you want to customize the layout of certain cards, you can use lovelance-card-mod:


current version 3.4.3

With "lovelance-card-mod" elements in Home Assistant can be customized via CCS styles:


Notification to mobile - alert

The Android app "Home Assistant" offers besides numerous cell phone sensor values in Home Assistant also a very simple way to receive notifications from Home Assistant: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.homeassistant.companion.android&hl=de_AT&gl=US.

Alternatively, the messenger Signal can be used for notifications, see: Send Signal messages via API: signal-cli-rest-api.

Those who install the Home Assistant app will notice that Home Assistant regularly announces updating the phone sensors after Home Assistant:

Refresh Sensors.

By default, a notification with "Update sensors" is displayed every 15 minutes:

The notice can be easily removed by long pressing on the notification and disabling "SensorWorker":

Deactivating the SensorWorker does not affect the notifications stored in the automations, they still remain active. To receive a notification when an event occurs, an automation can be created for this purpose by clicking on "Configuration" and "Automation":

Notification when a certain value is reached

As an example, I created a notification for monitoring the humidity:

I created a new automation for this notification in Configuration / Automation:

The notification can be tested later with "RUN ACTIONS", but first to the settings of this automation:

service: notify.mobile_app_sm_a405fn
  title: Luftfeuchtigkeit Bad
  message: >-
    Luftfeuchtigkeit: {{states('sensor.bad_2')}}%

Potential for improvement

Statistics diagram: missing date / time selection

Statistics diagram: missing date / time selection

created: 2024-09-16 from Bernhard

Datum- und Zeit von Statistikdiagramm-Karten (statistics-graph-card) per Auswahl ändern. ... continue reading

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