Linux folder used space - Bash TreeSize
To find out which folder needs how much space, the command “du” can be used on Debian. For an even better overview there is the commandline tool ncdu, which can analyze all folders similar to TreeSize.
du -ah -d1 /var/www/vhosts
The parameter -d1 shows only first level folders
a... used space for all files and
h...Human Readable, i.e. in a readable format: K, M, ... for kilobytes, megabytes, ...
Memory hog
If the Linux Journal becomes very large, it can be limited as follows:
Only the most recent entries are then kept:
root@server:/var/log/journal# du -ah -d1
3.8G ./dbd2984f94c34d65b0839d60d6f48b1b
8.1M ./53955387d3174396b874db791b202516
3.8G .
In the following file the journal can be limited:
vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf
As an example on 500M
PRUNEPATHS customize:
sudo vi /etc/updatedb.conf
sudo updatedb
ncdu - NCurses Disk Usage
With ncdu an overview of the used space for all folders can be displayed very quickly:
sudo apt install ncdu
After Installation for example the Root-Partition can be scanned using the following command:
sudo ncdu / -x
The Parameter -x excludes other mounted Disks (Do not cross filesystem boundaries, i.e. only count files and directories on the same filesystem as the directory being scanned.)

{{percentage}} % positive