add a Relay Board ESP32 - ESPHome


To be able to switch certain relays in Home Assistant via an ESP32, I tested a relay board and integrated it via ESP-Home.

Necessary hardware

Besides an appropriate hardware for Home Assistant, I married an ESP32 with a 4-channel relay board: 


As GPIO-PINs I used the PINS G25,26,32 and G33 for testing:


If you already have the ESP32 connected to Home Assistant, you can add the relay board with the following lines:

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO32
    name: Relay1
    id: relay1
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO33
    name: Relay2
    id: relay2
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO25
    name: Relay3
    id: relay3
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO26
    name: Relay4
    id: relay4

This will make the relays show up as "controls" in Home Assistant.

Use in practice: Heating control

Control heating with Home Assistant

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Updated: 2024-04-28 von Bernhard | Übersetzung Deutsch |🔔 | Comments:0

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