HAOS-VM tested in Hyper-V
For HAOS, in addition to its own hardware, such as a Raspberry PI, any HyperVisor in Linux or Windows can be used. As an example Virtualbox, Proxmox or under Windows HyperV. Representative for other HyperVisors I tested the installation with HyperV.
Download: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/windows/
As with the use of another HyperVisor, a virtual computer (VM) must first be created in HyperV.
During the creation, the size of the RAM is defined as well as the generation.
The previously downloaded HAOS hard disk file can be mounted as the disk.
After the creation the VM can be started and HAOS is ready for use.
In contrast to a Docker installation, the add-ons store is available for a HAOS VM:
HAOS in a VM combines the advantages of a HAOS installation on dedicated hardware and the ability to run HAOS alongside other VMs on shared hardware. For those who already use Docker containers for certain web services instead of VMs and prefer them, they can operate Home Assistant alternatively as a Docker container.

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